Not enough writing

Alright, I know I never write anything on this page, but in my defense I don't think anybody reads it either. Which is mildly amusing, and would mean that I am writing to myself. Hmm...

Anyhow, this past weekend was crazy. I think I did more last weekend then I have in the past three weeks.

So, Friday afternoon my aunt came by to get me and we picked up my uncle at the airport and proceeded to Calgary. When I got there I talked to people in my house for about an hour before Rhoda came and got me and we visited Melissa at work, then went to the Cheese Cake Café. We met Joe,Meghan, Linds, Jasmine and Jamie there. Ate some cake and I had a reasonably well made Long Island Ice Tea. After this Melissa joined us for about half an hour, we went over to Rhoda's to watch a movie. I have no clue what it was called, but am sure that I will rent it at some point in the future and vaguely remember seeing it. Anyway I got home late and then got up early-ish the next morning.

My dad came by at nine in the morning and we drove down to Lethbridge to attend my cousin's wedding. (Congratulations Bonnie and Dennis.) It was fun and of course I left that late and slept at my grandmother's house.

On Sunday another cousin and his wife drove me back to Edmonton. I went out almost as soon as I got home and hung out with Rachel for the evening. We played some cribbage which I won and watched some music videos. Fun, Fun.

Monday was a long day schoolwise, I had my silly classes and then a meeting for my syntax seminar. Oh well needless to say the day ended. And I actually read history and i don't even have a test/essay in that class until like the 20th. I know you are all impressed with my apparent work ethic.

I guess I will wrap this up for now.

Song: Good Charlotte - Little Things

State: I might be tired but I'm not sure