Billiards and All

Today was an adventure. After getting up at a reasonable hour for this first time almost since I got home, I drove my sister to work and ran some errands. Then, Rhoda arrived and we went off to the airport to pick up an international student. It took a while to get there as somebody had wrapped the front of their car around a lamp post on McNightmare Blvd. (not being a Boulevard made at McDonalds), and so there was only one lane of traffic. After taking the student to residence, which I must add was much more spacious and nice than the newer building that I lived in at U of A. (It makes me sad that I never got to work at Conference housing at U of C because I had an interview and they liked me but didn't hire me. That happens way too often. I almost worked at the U of C library this summer but the guy had to hire somebody else because he had more direct experience. Stupid crap.)

I played pool tonight at Caitlin's rec centre which was nice since I haven't done that since the summer. Not surprisingly, none of us got any better. Though Rhoda and Lisa did make some good shots.

Why is it that people don't comment. Like I would've commented on the quote I took from that other blog, it is quite amusing. Anyway, I guess people aren't that inclined to leave messages as they could be maybe misconstrued later.

Song: Holiday - Green Day