2024 Bike Ride 34

Thursday day off to take a ride with Doris. We stopped for coffee at Jean-Talon, rode up St-Denis to Laval, got Doris a new bike bag, and ate delicious roti. New to me bike paths in Laval, in Cartierville and in Saint-Laurent.

Total trip distance: 49.42 km

Moving time: 3h32m

Today’s ride:

2024 Ride 34

Today’s ride in the context of all my Montreal rides:

2024 Ride 34

2024 Bike Ride 33

Soccer night ride.

Total trip distance: 11.98 km

Moving time: 0h35m

Today’s ride:

2024 Ride 33

2024 Bike Ride 32

After swimming lessons, we met up at Café Malté, went to the playground, visited Atwater Market.

Total trip distance: 8.06 km

Moving time: 0h32m

Today’s ride:

2024 Ride 32

2024 Bike Ride 30 and 31

Ride 30

Morning ride up to eat delicious treats at Carlota boulangerie mexicaine on St Urbain. Then up to a playground, a library and then lunch at Mitch Deli before heading home. A few new paths.

Trip distance: 28.01 km

Moving time: 2h19m

Ride 31

Just a Costco run.

Trip distance: 3.84 km

Moving time: 0h16m

Ride maps

Today’s rides:

2024 Rides 31 and 32

Today’s rides in the context of all my Montreal rides:

2024 Rides 31 and 32

2024 Bike Ride 29

Tuesday soccer with the fastest time yet on the electric bike.

Total trip distance: 12.02 km

Moving time: 0h33m

Today’s ride:

2024 Ride 29

Weekly roundup May 13 - July 14

Let’s see if I can get my weekly reading of interesting things back up (instead of working in the evenings, which is bad).


Folks who insist on “data are” don’t understand how language works Scientist Sees a Squirrel

Quebec plan would create four levels of flooding zones Montreal Gazette

A Hand From One Page, A Bomb From Another: Rethinking “Spy vs. Spy” Long Reads

2024 Bike Ride 28

After swimming lessons ride to eat at la base café in Verdun, visit a playground, and visit Verdun beach. Not many new parts to the ride other than the streets closest to the pool and a ruelle verte that we needed to use to get past construction on Rue de Verdun.

Total trip distance: 15.60 km

Moving time: 1h11m

Today’s ride:

2024 Ride 28

Today’s ride in the context of all my Montreal rides:

2024 Ride 28