A few more

Last night we had a potluck at Melissa's, and it was fun. Except for Rhoda who got sick which was too bad, but at least she feels better now. I made quiche with a few variations on the recipe that Heather sent me, and it turned out pretty good. The only annoying part was cutting the frozen spinach. You see I didn't really want the whole package of frozen spinach but it says not to refreeze, so I couldn't thaw it all then put the part I didn't use back. Naturally, I cut open the box with a knife and chopped off 1/3 of the contents.

Today, I didn't do that much. I played Settlers of Catan with my brother and sister, visited Melissa at work, and hung out at Jamie's. All in all it wasn't so bad.

Marks: LA ST: A; LING: A-; B LAW: B; ECON: n/a;

Song: Derniere Danse - Kyo, Hand Me Down - The Wallflowers

Book: The Catcher in the Rye