Weekly round up: May 9 - 15


Salt and health: Take it with a pinch of salt from The Economist

MLB website headers [with commentary] from Flop Flop Fly Ball via Getting Blanked

Samoa moves ahead a day from CBC News

Tour the Palace of Purification (R. C. Harris Water Treatment Plant) for Doors Open 2011

The case for a Canada-U.S. monetary union is dead from The Globe and Mail - Economy Lab

Why nobody gets it and everybody is an idiot: "Strategic" Voting Edition (on Facebook)

Voodoo Hydrology from stormh20.com [An older article, but still true today. Sadly, it will be true for the not so distant future.]

Responding to FightHST Misrepresentations by David D Robertson [Very interesting rundown of BC HST vs PST]

The Grid: a love story from The Grid

There is no gas price conspiracy from The Ottawa Citizen

Daily Show Mocks Asbestos, Que. from CBC [Watch the video]

Idea Alert from Macleans' [First idea is good. I'm not so sure what the point of the second is.]

Sanctuary at Massey: Ignatieff just one in a long line to find a home in Massey College from The National Post

Watson leads Toronto Rock to lacrosse title from The Star

i have now seen a Toronto team win a championship! Good job @torontorocklax

— Daley Mikalson (@lingwhatics) May 15, 2011


Dear dumbass - the city didn't "steal" your bike if you left it chained to a post for 5 weeks. You abandoned it and they cleared your junk.

— Sheryl Kirby (@sheryl_kirby) May 9, 2011

Screenshot from Twitter. 2011-05-12T04:30:12.000Z. Instapaper (@instapaper). (Hey, people with 10,000+ unread items... I appreciate the enthusiasm, but you're doing it wrong.).

I know this is controversial, but I feel that GAY people should ONLY be able to marry other GAY people. Call me old-fashioned.

— Steve Murray (@NPsteve) May 13, 2011

Question we should all ask when replying to email: will my reply make the recipient''s life easier or harder? If harder, then rethink.

— Peter Rukavina (@ruk) May 13, 2011


Beautiful, out-of-phase pendulums on Boing Boing via @heather_jewell


Full Interview: Siva Vaidhyanathan on the Googlization of Everything from CBC's Spark