Weekly roundup: October 1-7
07 October 2012Updated with illustrator information for the turkey comic
Time for ‘net harm’ test in CNOOC-Nexen debate [Financial Post]
U.K.-Canada embassy deal kicks off worldwide flag race [The Globe and Mail]
Whom does design really serve? [Project for Public Spaces]
Hotel lighting: Mustn’t stumble [The Economist]
Toronto restaurant line ups just part of today’s eating experience [Toronto Star]
NDP MP Pat Martin, ‘economic treason’ and anti-foreign bias [Maclean’s]
The beauty of the airline baggage tag [Slate]
‘Evidence’ comes in all shapes and sizes [Ottawa Citizen]
Voyages in Concussion Land: the homeless, Sidney Crosby and me [The Globe and Mail]
Brian Sawyer, 1930-2012: The chief who transformed Calgary’s police force into a community service [Calgary Herald]
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Comic by John Martz