Weekly roundup: October 22-28


Curbing the parking crunch by cutting disabled placard use [Los Angeles Times]

What it's like being a teen girl

Wente’s university prescription is misguided [Maclean’s]

The ‘net benefit’ test doesn’t need to be clarified, it needs to be abolished [National Post]

Loss of John Farrell another example of Blue Jays coming up short [National Post]

The spirit of game 7 [ESPN]

Local startup launches parcel pickup kiosks in the GTA [The Record]

Conservatives put language rights, bilingualism back into the spotlight [Toronto Star]

Should we cue the minor key funeral march for Canada’s franchophonie? No. [Maclean’s]


Screenshot from Twitter. 2012-10-22T23:54:29.000Z. RG_DoesStuff (@RG_Reporter). We need transit networks not the one line we can afford, says Munro. Wants to see "line-oriented" debates end. #TOtransit. Screenshot from Twitter. 2012-10-23T01:52:09.000Z. Ivor Tossell (@ivortossell). Crippling sanctions only come into play after hobbling sanctions and shin-kicking sanctions have failed..

[tweet https://twitter.com/inklesspw/status/260723653237415937]

[tweet https://twitter.com/garrett/status/261063987620376576]

[tweet https://twitter.com/stephen_taylor/status/261552138189172736]


^via @MovemberCA