Weekly roundup December 3 - 9


CN’s $2.6M mystery U.S. trips never unloaded biodiesel [CBC]

Power to the (other) provinces [The Globe and Mail]

Fixing the doors on TTC’s new subway cars an opportunity to change other things as well [National Post]

F-35s officially costed at $45,802,000,000 in new report [National Post]

Professor Brubeck [Maclean’s]

Why there will never be such thing as a good anti-bullying law [National Post] (Read to the end)

Mexico’s new government: With a little help from my friends [The Economist]

Pondering love at the official Bachelor Canada engagement party [Maclean’s]


[tweet https://twitter.com/npsteve/status/276005024461643777]

[tweet https://twitter.com/freakonometrics/status/275418959195553793]

Screenshot from Twitter. 2012-12-05T05:38:07.000Z. Jarrett Walker (@humantransit). Just walked most of LA's Robertson Blvd while waiting for hourly bus to overtake.  When it did, it was empty, like hourly buses everywhere..

[tweet https://twitter.com/heather_jewell/status/276870971477086208]

[tweet https://twitter.com/sladurantaye/status/277774699419820034]