Weekly roundup April 1 - 7


Toll roads work but don’t use them to subsidize public transit [National Post]

What being a handyman has taught me about male insecurity [The Atlantic]

A persistent problem with truth [HESA]

The verdict is in on jury duty: it rocks [Toronto Star]

Driving in the passing lane: The Canadian disease [The Globe and Mail]

Ottawa needs a new model for infrastructure funding [Macdonald-Laurier Institute]

Worry about correctness and repeatability, not p-values [Win-Vector Blog]


Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-04-01T18:40:16.000Z. Dan Misener (@misener). Just heard this (tricky) job interview question: "If we hired someone else, what are the qualities they might have that you don't?". Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-04-05T21:59:47.000Z. BJ Siekierski (@BJSiekierski). So special tariff treatment under 9948.00.00, eh? You know, I often find my computer is "enhanced" when I eat expensive imported cheese.. Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-04-06T13:44:15.000Z. John Parker 🇺🇦 (@johnparkerex). We all hate taxes. But the goal of cost cutting cannot be only to get taxes down: it has to include unlocking resources to meet real needs.. Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-04-06T20:25:11.000Z. Stephen Taylor (@stephen_taylor). Just saw another #eap13 ad. Seriously, stop this. You're hurting my soul..


^ a much more enjoyable live performance than the staged SNL brand that most people have seen.