Weekly roundup June 3 - 9


Doubling down on casinos [Maclean’s]

Their call’s not important to us [Toronto Sun]

Is Alberta’s open data catalogue the most useless open data catalogue in the history of open data catalogues? [Edmonton Journal]

Calm down, Kensington – Wal-Mart won’t destroy you [The Globe and Mail]

Madrid’s dangerous attempt to distort the history of the Spanish civil war [The Guardian]

Trying the track [FFWD]

Hockey is a sport worth loving [NBC Sports]

Why privacy matters even if you have ‘nothing to hide’ [The Chronicle of Higher Education]


Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-06-05T21:12:16.000Z. Ryan North 🦖 🪄 🐶 💪 4️⃣ (@ryanqnorth). Haha remember how in the past we'd get emails and have NO IDEA what brand of personal electronics was used to send it? WE WERE SUCH LOSERS. Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-06-05T16:40:55.000Z. Daniel Leblanc (@danlebla). - Radio-Canada est maintenant ICI - Où? - Partout - Quoi? - ICI, c'est le nouveau nom? - Où ça, je ne vois rien? - Tu comprendras plus tard. Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-06-06T03:01:21.000Z. David Frum (@davidfrum). The numbers a citizen calls are private information only to be shared with the giant oligopolistic telco that overcharges him/her..