Weekly roundup July 22 - 28


The Eruv, a Jewish quantum state [big think]

Porn turns conservatives into nanny-statists [National Post]

Britain’s daft plan to block porn is no example for Canada [Maclean’s]

Will a sheep’s wool grow forever? [Modern Farmer]

The great cost of salad

Shocking idea about the Jobs Grants program: give the money to trainees [Maclean’s]

The curious case of falling crime [The Economist]


Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-07-24T03:50:41.000Z. Dr. Janet D. Stemwedel, PhD 🏳️‍🌈 (@docfreeride). Tip for online students: if the assignment you upload still has SOMEONE ELSE'S NAME ON IT, it is likely your cheating will be discovered.. Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-07-27T03:10:42.000Z. Harry Sanders (@harry_historian). http://t.co/HkP0C3WSf3 is open at 1428-17 Av SW. Crooks Drugs site, where South #YYC streetcar crashed Dec. 15, 1919. http://t.co/Hug0wYqs36.
