Weekly roundup November 4 - 10


The end of Goodbye: How the world changes when nobody hangs up [The Globe and Mail]

How much does a street cost? [The Grid]

Homeless turn overnight bus into Hotel 22 [San Jose Mercury News]

I am so sorry. I am sorry in a hundred inadmissible ways [National Post]


[tweet https://twitter.com/NPsteve/status/398298001350750210]

Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-11-04T04:38:08.000Z. Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson). What would aliens say when told Earthlings shift clocks twice a year to fool themselves into thinking there's more sunlight.. Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-11-03T20:48:40.000Z. Matthew Cutler (@matthewcutler). Materials in door from @LindaMcQuaig - as proud #TorCen resident who isn't from here, this rhetoric irritates me http://t.co/D9K4cwhiix.

[tweet https://twitter.com/TheBobBanks/status/397124709264809984]
