Weekly roundup December 2 - 8


The things he carried [The Atlantic]

Here’s an idea for parliamentary reform: Shame [The Globe and Mail]

In the end, it’s not about food [New York Times]

How to hijack an aid program [The McLeod Group]

How Canada goes to war [Ottawa Citizen]

Your house is on fire? Paul Calandra is here to ‘help’ [Maclean’s]

KKK member walks up black musician in a bar–but it’s not a joke, and what happens next will astound you [Las Vegas Guardian Express]


Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-12-04T23:38:19.000Z. Ryan Parker (@TheRyanParker). This is a real Denver Post from 1932 with a front page story I'm considering doing a follow-up on... #cowx http://t.co/rXVU8yfr6x. Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-12-03T07:31:33.000Z. Alex Usher (@AlexUsherHESA). Sure, it'd be great if we lived in a small, homogenous societies where teachers had high social status. Also, unicorns.  Those are great too. Screenshot from Twitter. 2013-12-03T04:41:32.000Z. Romeo St. Martin (@romeoinottawa). Actually the Jays tendered Arencibia a contract but rolled past him to.the backstop..