Weekly roundup December 16-29


On these dark winter days, Toronto could use a stained-glass revival Toronto Star

‘Boomerspeak’ Is Now Available for Your Parodying Pleasure WIRED

Building a rocket is hard. But building a parachute is boggling Los Angeles Times

Nike Takes the Plunge Into Modest Swimwear The New Yorker

Learning a language means failure, embarrassment and the enrichment of your life Los Angeles Times


Screenshot from Twitter. 2019-12-22T22:05:50.000Z. poorly drawn lines (@PDLComics). another life https://t.co/c9KggynM2j.

Screenshot from Twitter. 2019-12-17T15:40:34.000Z. INFOMAN (@infomantv). Le stagiaire de CBC apprend lui aussi à faire des copier/coller. https://t.co/qQKDICJeY1.